9 ways to burn 200 calories - Xenadrine.com


Believe it or not, you can burn calories outside the gym, and you may get to enjoy some fresh air and sunshine to boot! Here are some fun, easy and surprising ways to burn an extra 200 calories as part of your exercise routine!

Surprising ways to burn calories:

  • Dancing to your favorite music for 30-35 minutes
  • Skipping with a rope moderately (70 jumps per minute) for 22 minutes
  • Washing & waxing a car for 55-60 minutes
  • General gardening for 45-50 minutes
  • Housework (vacuuming included) for 50 minutes
  • Brisk walking for 40 minutes
  • Hiking for 25 minutes
  • Playing softball or baseball for 30 minutes
  • Water aerobics for 35 minutes

*Estimates based on a150 lb. individual.

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