8 Tips to Avoid Workplace Weight Gain

Working in an office environment can often make it hard to stick to your weight loss plan. When you’re shackled to your desk and trapped in a cubicle for most of the day, it’s easy to cheat a bit (or a lot!) when it comes to your diet. It’s not always the most motivating environment either, unless of course you do plan ahead a bit. Need some help? Check out these eight top tips for keeping things healthy at the workplace.

1. Co-Worker Challenge

Make your weight loss plan fun by challenging your co-workers to get fit. Get creative by having potlucks with healthy choices, starting a recipe exchange with your co-workers, or by going for walks on your lunch break. Invite your co-workers to work together to support one another to help ensure you all stick with it.

2. The Power of Suggestion

Instead of eating fattening foods, have healthy choices on hand. Try low-calorie energy bars, dried fruits, or nuts (opt for those that are unprocessed).

3. Choose Wisely

If part of your daily routine is heading downstairs (try taking the stairs instead of the elevator) for that mid-morning muffin, pick healthier choices like low-fat yogurt. You can save 470 calories in a day!

4. Eat!

A typical workday can be hectic. Between meetings, answering e-mails, and returning phone calls, it’s hard to find a moment for yourself. Even though you’re busy, it’s important to consume three balanced meals throughout the day. This might mean brown-bagging your lunch, If you decide to grab a microwaveable dinner don’t forget to read the label first. Many frozen dinners contain a lot of sodium and excess calories.

5. Stick to It

Whether you usually eat in the staff lounge or go out for lunch, try to stick to your meal plan as much as possible. Learn how to eat out to attain your weight loss goal. And if you find that your workplace doesn’t offer choices that fit into your plan, ask whoever is in charge of food services to prepare healthier options that will benefit not only you but the entire company.

6. Keep Moving

If you live close to work, walk or bike to the office rather than driving or taking the subway every day. If you drive to work, park further away from the entrance to get in some extra activity. You can also jump off the bus a few blocks early and walk the rest of the way to work or home. This will help burn off extra calories. Step by step!

7. Switch Your Socializing

Instead of meeting co-workers for wings after work, try some new and fun activities that don’t necessarily revolve around food. Try bowling, playing a round of mini-golf, or enjoying some other leisurely team sport like softball. Have a great time without the extra calories.

8. Stop the Sugar Rush

Bring tasty alternatives like apples, oranges, and grapes to work so you can stave off those sweet cravings.

By reshaping your daily routine with these simple yet effective tips, you can make a significant difference to your workday. Don’t let that office grind get you down!

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