If you want to see results, then it’s important to challenge your body every time you work out. By going above and beyond your normal limits, you force your body to react and improve. If you continue doing the same workout over and over, your body will adapt and you won’t get the results that you’re looking for. So in order to ensure continuous improvements, try to incorporate some of these training methods listed below into your weekly workout routine:

Double Sets

One of the most popular ways to increase the intensity of an exercise is with a double set. Choose 2 or more exercises and perform each one right after the other without rest. This will add a cardio component to the exercise and force your muscles to work harder and burn more calories, thereby yielding maximum results.

Strip Sets

Another good way to increase the intensity of your workouts is with strip sets. Select a resistance machine and perform a set to failure. Once you can go no further, drop the weight stack down a notch or two and repeat until failure again. Continue on this process until there is no more weight left on the rack and your muscles are completely fatigued.

Interval Training

If you really want to step up your workouts, then mix things up during your cardio sessions. Using a treadmill, perform a brief warm-up of moderate-paced walking at a speed of 2.5 mph and then begin the first interval with a jog of 5.0 mph or higher for 30-60 seconds. Follow this with a moderate-paced walk of 3.0 mph for 2 minutes and then repeat the jog again. Continue this pattern for 20 minutes, slowly working your way up to 30 minutes over time as you continue to improve your endurance.

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